Pelanggan datang dengan membawa contoh baik dalam format
kertas maupun digital
Front Office mencatat pesanan kemudian mencetak SPK untuk
di berikan kepada Designer ( SPK belum dapat di cetak sebelum pembayaran di
lunasi )
Front Office menerima pembayaran dari Costumer
Designer + Produksi meyelesaikan sesuai pesanan SPK,
kemudian setelah selesai Designer/Produksi melaporkan kepada Front Office
untuk di catat bahwa pekerjaanya telah selesai. Pekerjaan yang telah selesai
akan otomatis di beritahuakan kepada pelanggan melalui SMS, jika perlu di
antar maka segera di lakukan pengantaran.
Pelanggan mengambil pesanan. Data pesanan akan di simpan
dalam arsip
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Contoh Langkah Kerja Front Office
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
cerita lucu terupdate 2012
#Just Share#
Suami : "Maa... kalo Papa marah sama Mama, koq Mama tidak pernah balas marah-marah...???" Apa sih rahasianya sehingga Mama bisa menguasai diri...???"
Istri : "Emm... Mama melampiaskannya dengan membersihkan toilet...!!!"
Suami : "Kok bisa...!!! apa hubungannya membersihkan toilet dengan melampiaskan marah...???"
Istri : "Iya Mama membersihkan toiletnya dengan SIKAT GIGI PAPA yang
Suami : "Maa... kalo Papa marah sama Mama, koq Mama tidak pernah balas marah-marah...???" Apa sih rahasianya sehingga Mama bisa menguasai diri...???"
Istri : "Emm... Mama melampiaskannya dengan membersihkan toilet...!!!"
Suami : "Kok bisa...!!! apa hubungannya membersihkan toilet dengan melampiaskan marah...???"
Istri : "Iya Mama membersihkan toiletnya dengan SIKAT GIGI PAPA yang
tiap hari Papa
Suami : APA..!!!?@#$%^&*? "stroke mendadak"
Istri : ^_^" jingkrak_jingkrak Gangnam Style...!!!"
Indonesia Karir
Suami : APA..!!!?@#$%^&*? "stroke mendadak"
Istri : ^_^" jingkrak_jingkrak Gangnam Style...!!!"
Indonesia Karir
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Saat SMA dulu saya pernah membantah Bapak .....
Saat SMA dulu saya pernah membantah Bapak, dan beliau berkata sederhana tapi sangat saya ingat sampai sekarang:
“Kalau kamu demikian benar, mengapa hidupmu belum baik?”
Dan sejak saat itu saya menanyakan itu kepada diri saya sendiri, saat saya ingin membantah nasihat orang yang lebih senior dari saya.
Sebetulnya, lumayan sering saya ingin nyeletuk yang sama - kepada anak muda yang hidupn
“Kalau kamu demikian benar, mengapa hidupmu belum baik?”
Dan sejak saat itu saya menanyakan itu kepada diri saya sendiri, saat saya ingin membantah nasihat orang yang lebih senior dari saya.
Sebetulnya, lumayan sering saya ingin nyeletuk yang sama - kepada anak muda yang hidupn
ya masih tidak bisa selamat kalau tidak diberi makan oleh orang tuanya, tapi yang membantah tanpa pengetahuan.
Tapi kemudian saya ingat diri saya dulu, yang masih miskin ilmu, fakir harta, tapi kaya kesombongan.
Hmm … dan saya katakan kepada diri sendiri, marilah kita berikan waktu, mudah-mudahan dia mendewasa seperti kita semua.
Seandainya dulu saya tidak cepat mengikhlaskan diri untuk belajar dari yang lebih tahu – orang tua, guru dan para penasihat, mungkin saya akan jadi orang tua berusia 56 tahun tapi yang masih sibuk mencari hutang sambil menyalahkan orang lain dan keadaan.
Marilah kita ikhlas menerima yang memuliakan diri dan kehidupan kita, dan tidak mempertahankan yang jelas-jelas belum menjadikan kita apa-apa yang pantas untuk dihormati.
Mario Teguh – Loving you all as always
Tapi kemudian saya ingat diri saya dulu, yang masih miskin ilmu, fakir harta, tapi kaya kesombongan.
Hmm … dan saya katakan kepada diri sendiri, marilah kita berikan waktu, mudah-mudahan dia mendewasa seperti kita semua.
Seandainya dulu saya tidak cepat mengikhlaskan diri untuk belajar dari yang lebih tahu – orang tua, guru dan para penasihat, mungkin saya akan jadi orang tua berusia 56 tahun tapi yang masih sibuk mencari hutang sambil menyalahkan orang lain dan keadaan.
Marilah kita ikhlas menerima yang memuliakan diri dan kehidupan kita, dan tidak mempertahankan yang jelas-jelas belum menjadikan kita apa-apa yang pantas untuk dihormati.
Mario Teguh – Loving you all as always
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
What do you need to keep you healthy ?
We all need food if we want to stay alive and healthy. Food gives us the energy we need to move, to work to play, and even talk. Food makes our body grow strong. our body can live for many day without food. After that, we would begin to starve and get very weak.
We all need many different kinds of food to keep our body healthy.healthy food contains body-builiding subtances, and we can find these subtances, like protein, in food such as meat, fish, chese and nuts. Children need proteins to help them grow. adults need proteins to repair any damage of their skin and bones.
fruits, dairy foods, vegetables, and fish oils conatain vitamins. Vitamins are substance that our body need to fight against diseasea. Foods, like bread and rice, help to gice us energy. Fattty food, like butter and oils, helps to keep body warm.We also need small amount of different minerals, such as mineral salt, calcium and iron
Some of mineral salt are used, together with proteins, to build our bones, muscles, and nevers. calcium is one of the most important minerals to make our bones and teeth healthy. Iron is another important minerals to help our body to stay red and healhty. But of course, we do not need need to eat nails or screws to keep our blood red and healthy ! To do this fact would make us very ill. we need only tiny amount of iron. and we can find it in foods like liver, corned beef, and sardines.
We all need food if we want to stay alive and healthy. Food gives us the energy we need to move, to work to play, and even talk. Food makes our body grow strong. our body can live for many day without food. After that, we would begin to starve and get very weak.
We all need many different kinds of food to keep our body healthy.healthy food contains body-builiding subtances, and we can find these subtances, like protein, in food such as meat, fish, chese and nuts. Children need proteins to help them grow. adults need proteins to repair any damage of their skin and bones.
fruits, dairy foods, vegetables, and fish oils conatain vitamins. Vitamins are substance that our body need to fight against diseasea. Foods, like bread and rice, help to gice us energy. Fattty food, like butter and oils, helps to keep body warm.We also need small amount of different minerals, such as mineral salt, calcium and iron
Some of mineral salt are used, together with proteins, to build our bones, muscles, and nevers. calcium is one of the most important minerals to make our bones and teeth healthy. Iron is another important minerals to help our body to stay red and healhty. But of course, we do not need need to eat nails or screws to keep our blood red and healthy ! To do this fact would make us very ill. we need only tiny amount of iron. and we can find it in foods like liver, corned beef, and sardines.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
How To Generate License phones
How To Generate License phones
From CallManager 4.1 (3) to CallManager 7.0.2
1. Install Windows 2000 Server version 2.7.2000
2. Install Call Manager 4.1 (3)
3. Install the Data Migration Assistant (DMA) to generate a license from the Call Manager 4.1 (3) to 7.0.2
4. Install CopSSH to transfer files from CallManager 4.1 (3) to 7.0.2
5. Log in to CallManager 4.1 (3) (Start> Programs> Cisco CallManager 4.1> CallManager Administration)
6. Insert phone number to be used on the call manager 4.1 (3) on the Device> Phone> Add New Phone.
7. Fill in the Phone Type and parameters to be used,
8. In entering phone that will be used can also use BAT (Bulk Admin Tool)
a. Download the plugin on Application> Install Plugins> Cisco Bulk Administration Tool
b. Install On Windows 2000, the
c. After that open the file BAT.xlt and the parameters to be used for every phone
d. Save your files at C: \ BATFiles \ Phones \ Insert \ on the publisher (dluconverter)
e. Go to Start> Programs> Cisco CallManager 4.1> Bulk Admin Tool> BAT 5.1
f. Select Configure> Phone, Phone Choose Insert> Next
g. Because we use BAT so go to step number 3 to validate the existing data on file BAT.xlt to CallManager 4.1 (Validate Phone Records> Next)
h. Select the Filename (select the files before we export from BAT)
i. Choose a method to validate using Specific details or All Details, and then click Validate
j. If successful you will see the red text above the Validate button (Validate Complete) and look at the View Latest Status, if we enter the phone number passed all means success, if any fail from the outset we need to check again whether the methods and content of BAT file that we use the same,
k. After that, click Back
l. Choose Insert Phones> Next
m. Just as in step I, but after that press the Insert button (this takes a few minutes, according to the phone number that we put on the BAT file)
n. If successful you will see the phone number that has been entered in CallManager, we can check by going to the CallManager 4.1 and select Device> Phone> Find the phone that we will see you enter.
9. Next is the Data Migration Assistant select Start> Programs> Cisco Data Migration Assistant> Cisco DMA
10. Select the location where we want to Export> Storage Location press Update
11. If all are ready to generate license select Export> Export Data checkbox on I am planning to upgrade to CUCM 7.0 (2). I understand and have completed all the pre-tasks and press Start DMA Export Now, this is pretty long, just wait for the final status, if the status of the results are: Export - Successful. Validation - Successful export the results we are successful, but when there are failed, we have to repeat it from the beginning.
12. Furthermore CallManager Install 7.0.2 on another server, when it will be installed will be prompted to export from DMA select and enter the server IP CallManager 4.1 and earlier save file directory where the DMA and fill in the name of the file before export DMA, do not forget to fill in your username and password to break into CallManager 4.1.
13. Walking Installation Process takes approximately 1.5 hours.
14. After successful login to the Installation Process 7.0.2 and piliih CallManager System> License File Upload tap View and copy the xml file in notepad
15. After that, log into the Cisco web at the address after it goes into
16. Enter the MAC address belongs CallManager server customers to upload license and enter license xml and Submit
17. Wait approximately 60 minutes cisco will send the license to your email.
BY Pass Password Router
The process that we want here is to bypass booting from NVRAM so we'll configuration bits are bits where bits 0 to 9 shows the boot process with NVRAM and bit 1 shows the bypass NVRAM as indicated by the table above. Cisco router password recovery process is bypassing this process NVRAM. This can be done as follows:
* Shut down and restart and quickly pressing Ctrl + break
*** System received an abort due to Break Key ***
signal = 0 × 3, code = 0 × 500, context = 0 × 813ac158
PC = 0 × 802d0b60, Vector = 0 × 500, SP = 0 × 80006030
rommon 1>
* Move memory allocation to the allocation of the other with the command: confreg 0 × 2142 (where the default router memory allocation is 0 × 2102)
rommon 1> confreg 0 × 2142
* Type "reset" and press "Enter"
You must reset or power cycle for new config to take effect
rommon 2> reset
System Bootstrap, Version 11.3 (2) XA4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Copyright (c) 1999 by cisco Systems, Inc..
TAC: Home: SW: IOS: Specials for info
C2600 platform with 32768 Kbytes of main memory
program load complete, entry point: 0 × 80008000, size: 0 × 6fdb4c
Self decompressing the image: # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # [OK]
* After loading back and go to "System Configutation Mode" type "No" and press "Enter"
- System Configuration Dialog -
Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [Yes / no]: n
Press RETURN to get started!
00:00:19:% LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface BRI0 / 0, changed state to up
00:00:19:% LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Ethernet0 / 0, changed state to up
00:00:19:% LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Ethernet0 / 1, changed state to up
* Go to Priviledge mode by typing "enable" or "en"
Router> enable
Router #
* Copy configuration from NVRAM to RAM with the command
Router # copy startup-config running-config
* To see the configuration can use the command "show run"
Router # show run
* Type the command "configure terminal" or "config t"
Router # configure terminal
Router (config) #
* Add the username and the new user: cisco, password: secret
Router (config) # username cisco password cisco
Router (config) # enable secret secret
Router (config) # exit
Router #
* Copy configuration from RAM into NVRAM
Router # copy running-config startup-config
* Restore position memory allocation to 0 × 2102
Router # configure terminal
Router (config) # confreg-register 0 × 2102
* Wait for the process and reload to view the results.
* You can login with user: cisco and password: secret
Monday, November 5, 2012
Upgrading Autonomous AP to Lightweight AP
Upgrading Autonomous AP to Lightweight AP
Prepare the software upgrade tool (can be downloaded at and TFTPD32 or TFTPD64 (depending on use windows 32 or 64bit). Download the software image for the type of AP LWAP concerned at Read more:
1. Turn on the AP, then the AP console, and give the IP address of the Interface BVI1:
config terminal
int bvi1
Ip address
no shut
2. Connect the PC to the AP FastEthernet port using UTP cable, and the PC to the IP settings
(one IP subnet to the AP)
3. Run TFTPD32/64 select IP and browse to the folder where the image LWAP placed.
4. Run Upgrade Tool.exe, you will see a warning, click YES.
5. You will be asked to provide IP AP list, to make it once in a notepad file, save as AP list.txt. Write down
the IP APs will be upgraded, and provide your username, enable password, and the password telnet AP
concerned. (default is Cisco, Cisco, Cisco)
6. Fill in the appropriate data in the upgrade tools, system IP address is the IP PC. Do not forget to include
the name LWAP recovery when the image is also included extension (. Tar).
Turn off the firewall on the PC. Click on START.
Upgrade tool will do pengecekkan data we have input, then processes the image transfer via TFTP to the AP. AP gets Image LWAP will soon upgrade itself into LWAP.
Make sure to get the message and the success of the upgrade tool tftpd logs show successful transfer.
Downgrade Lightweight AP to Autonomous AP
Downgrade Lightweight AP to Autonomous AP
To downgrade from LWAP to autonomous AP, stepnya following:
1. Download IOS image in AP AP series corresponding to
2. Connect the PC to the AP using UTP cable, set your PC's IP to, and run tftpd.
3. Hold the small button on the AP, and connect the power on. Still hold the button until the lights stop
flashing and the AP is red, then release.
Here the AP will have reset config, mengapply IP and then do a broadcast in one subnet to find
the file <image version>-tar.default
For example: c1130-k9w7-tar.default
4. When able to find the expected image, the AP will download the image. Note that the process of transfer
to the tftpd. Wait a few moments. Once the download is successful, the AP will perform a series of
process and downgrade into Autonomous AP.
Add IOS From Rommon
Add IOS From Rommon
1. ensure valid IOS MD5 checker
2. enable tftp server, set the tftp server (browse and server ip)
3. adjust the IP server instance: ( with an IP router (
4. enter rommon, input command
rommon> IP_ADDRESS =
rommon> TFTP_SERVER =
rommon> TFTP_FILE = c2801-mz.124-entbasek9-22.YB6.bin
rommon> IP_SUBNET_MASK =
rommon> BOOT = flash: c2801-entbasek9-mz.124-22.YB6.bin
5. check with command
rommon> set
6. connectkan server to the router with an ethernet cable to the port fe0 / 0
7. input command
rommon> tftpdnld
1. ensure valid IOS MD5 checker
2. enable tftp server, set the tftp server (browse and server ip)
3. adjust the IP server instance: ( with an IP router (
4. enter rommon, input command
rommon> IP_ADDRESS =
rommon> TFTP_SERVER =
rommon> TFTP_FILE = c2801-mz.124-entbasek9-22.YB6.bin
rommon> IP_SUBNET_MASK =
rommon> BOOT = flash: c2801-entbasek9-mz.124-22.YB6.bin
5. check with command
rommon> set
6. connectkan server to the router with an ethernet cable to the port fe0 / 0
7. input command
rommon> tftpdnld
Saturday, November 3, 2012
#Selingan Just Share...
BUDI Adalah seorang profesor penemu ulung, dia berhasil menciptakan robot yang bisa mendeteksi kebohongan, dia membuat robotitu sedemikian rupa sehingga ketika mendengarkan kebohongan, sang robot akan langsung menampar si pembohong itu...
Budi dengan bangga membawa robot itu ke ruang keluarga
dan menunggu anaknya pulang... tapi anaknya tak kunjung pulang...ditunggu-tunggu
BUDI Adalah seorang profesor penemu ulung, dia berhasil menciptakan robot yang bisa mendeteksi kebohongan, dia membuat robotitu sedemikian rupa sehingga ketika mendengarkan kebohongan, sang robot akan langsung menampar si pembohong itu...
Budi dengan bangga membawa robot itu ke ruang keluarga
dan menunggu anaknya pulang... tapi anaknya tak kunjung pulang...ditunggu-tunggu
baru sore hari sang anak pulang...
"Kamu dari mana ? kok pulangnya telat" tanya si Budi
"Ada pelajaran tambahan pa" jawab sang anak *PLAK* Sang robot menampar si anak... "Nak, ini adalah robot ciptaan ayah, dia akan menampar siapapun yang berbohong..! sekarang katakan dengan jujur, kenapa pulangnya telat ??!" "Maaf ayah.. aku habis menonton film di rumah teman..." "Film apa?" "Film Sinetron pa" *PLAK* "Ayo katakan dengan jujur film apa ??" "Maaf Ayah... saya menonton film porno" mendengar itu marahlah si Budi.. "Kamu itu yach ... kecil-kecil uda nakal, mau jadi apa kamu nanti besar ? kurang ajar kamu yach ... bikin malu ajah ...perbuatan yang benar-benar memalukan..!!! papa waktu seumuran kamu gak pernah melakukan hal senakal kamu...!" *PLAK* Budi ditampar sang robot Suasana hening untuk beberapa saat... Istri Budi kemudian masuk datang dan langsung berkata... "huh, sama aja kelakuannya, apel gak akan jatuh jauh dari pohonnya kan ? ya gimanapun juga dia anak elo, jadi... " *PLAK* Sang robot menampar istri Budi sebelum sang istri sempat menyelesaikan kata2nya.. dan ......semua terdiam....
"Kamu dari mana ? kok pulangnya telat" tanya si Budi
"Ada pelajaran tambahan pa" jawab sang anak *PLAK* Sang robot menampar si anak... "Nak, ini adalah robot ciptaan ayah, dia akan menampar siapapun yang berbohong..! sekarang katakan dengan jujur, kenapa pulangnya telat ??!" "Maaf ayah.. aku habis menonton film di rumah teman..." "Film apa?" "Film Sinetron pa" *PLAK* "Ayo katakan dengan jujur film apa ??" "Maaf Ayah... saya menonton film porno" mendengar itu marahlah si Budi.. "Kamu itu yach ... kecil-kecil uda nakal, mau jadi apa kamu nanti besar ? kurang ajar kamu yach ... bikin malu ajah ...perbuatan yang benar-benar memalukan..!!! papa waktu seumuran kamu gak pernah melakukan hal senakal kamu...!" *PLAK* Budi ditampar sang robot Suasana hening untuk beberapa saat... Istri Budi kemudian masuk datang dan langsung berkata... "huh, sama aja kelakuannya, apel gak akan jatuh jauh dari pohonnya kan ? ya gimanapun juga dia anak elo, jadi... " *PLAK* Sang robot menampar istri Budi sebelum sang istri sempat menyelesaikan kata2nya.. dan ......semua terdiam....
Monday, October 29, 2012
Biar Rilex cari kerjaan.... ada cerita lucu nih...
Pada suatu hari 3 orang
vampir lagi unjuk taring
atas kehebatannya masing-
masing dalam hal
menghisap darah dan
membunuh mangsa. “kebetulan nih malem
dingin banget, gue jadi
laper neh” celetuk vampir
Pada suatu hari 3 orang
vampir lagi unjuk taring
atas kehebatannya masing-
masing dalam hal
menghisap darah dan
membunuh mangsa. “kebetulan nih malem
dingin banget, gue jadi
laper neh” celetuk vampir
“gimana kalo kita adu
kekuatan, sapa yang paling cepet ngisep darah” tanya
vampir kedua..
“gue duluan” kata vampir
lalu…whuuusssss …vampir pertama melesat..gak lama,
selang lima menit dia
kembali lagi dengan muka
penuh darah dan sambil
berkata..”lo liat gak kota
dibawah sono??” “iya liat” kata vampir dua &
“semua penduduknya udah
pada tewas, gue isep
aahh, belom seberapa, neh liat gue..dan vampir kedua
pun melesat tajam..selang
tiga menit, diapun kembali
dengan wajah belepotan
darah, sambil berkata…
“lo liat kampung dibawah sana?? semua
penduduknya dah pada
tewas gue isep darahnya!!”
“aahh kecil, neh liat gue!!”
vampir ketiga pun terbang
melesat tajam… dan gak sampe satu menit dia udah
kembali dengan darah
diseluruh muka… dan dia
berkata “lo liat tiang listrik
dibawah sono??”
“iya..iya liat…” “sialaaan..gue kagak liat!!@
Jangan di Tahan Ketawanya.... :D
“gimana kalo kita adu
kekuatan, sapa yang paling cepet ngisep darah” tanya
vampir kedua..
“gue duluan” kata vampir
lalu…whuuusssss …vampir pertama melesat..gak lama,
selang lima menit dia
kembali lagi dengan muka
penuh darah dan sambil
berkata..”lo liat gak kota
dibawah sono??” “iya liat” kata vampir dua &
“semua penduduknya udah
pada tewas, gue isep
aahh, belom seberapa, neh liat gue..dan vampir kedua
pun melesat tajam..selang
tiga menit, diapun kembali
dengan wajah belepotan
darah, sambil berkata…
“lo liat kampung dibawah sana?? semua
penduduknya dah pada
tewas gue isep darahnya!!”
“aahh kecil, neh liat gue!!”
vampir ketiga pun terbang
melesat tajam… dan gak sampe satu menit dia udah
kembali dengan darah
diseluruh muka… dan dia
berkata “lo liat tiang listrik
dibawah sono??”
“iya..iya liat…” “sialaaan..gue kagak liat!!@
Jangan di Tahan Ketawanya.... :D
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